
1st Spanish expedition of young university students to the white continent.

Formed by university students committed to the conservation of the planet.


What is Rumbo Antártida?

Rumbo Antártida is a training project focused on entrepreneurship, social, and environmental issues. It gathers the best university students in Spain with the goal of inspiring actions and initiatives for planet conservation. This initiative is the first of its kind in Spain, highlighted by the first Spanish university student expedition to Antarctica.

The ultimate goal is to inspire the most talented university students, united in the adventure of their lives, to incubate the next generation of entrepreneurs who will tackle the major social and environmental challenges of the 21st century, both in Spain and globally. The mission is to unite talents with a shared vision: protect the planet today to preserve it for the future.

The initiative aims to raise awareness and inspire actions related to planet conservation, biodiversity protection, ocean health, and more. It also seeks to highlight the role of the university community in addressing these challenges, involving students from various disciplines such as Geography, Environmental Sciences, Geology, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Architecture, Journalism, Communication, Engineering, and more.

The project is divided into three stages:

  • Training Program (60 hours): Focused on social entrepreneurship, leadership, communication, and environmental issues. This program will be conducted in October and November 2025.
  • Expedition to Antarctica: A unique 14-day experience in January 2026, where 40 students from different Spanish universities will come together on a polar ship. The expedition includes visits to Antarctic bases, learning about the flora and fauna of the Antarctic Peninsula, and participating in a Citizen Science program.
  • Project Launch: The final stage involves the materialization of projects developed during the training program and expedition, with support from universities and public and private entities that back the initiative.

Our Vision

Rumbo Antártida is a social initiative that aims to gather and inspire the most talented young Spaniards to create dynamics and actions that promote the conservation of the planet and the protection of biodiversity at local, national, and international levels

We aim to enhance young leadership, idea generation, and interaction knowledge through a vital and indelible experience, fostering social and environmental entrepreneurship to achieve a better world.

Antarctica is a dream destination for many. The pristine white continent is a natural and geographical icon that exemplifies the serenity and temperance required by the human and environmental challenges we face today. Similarly, polar regions are the planet’s thermostat, the most fragile areas, and the first to feel the impacts of our world’s decisions.

Today’s youth will make tomorrow’s decisions. We trust in their strength and drive and want to offer them a unique experience that will accompany them throughout their lives, influencing them and their environment. We firmly believe in personal initiative and the need to encourage individual, social, and business commitment to care for our environment.

Project Keys


Establishing the first Spanish University Youth Expedition to Antarctica on a polar ship, exclusively organized for university students committed to the environment.

Floating Classroom

Training participants in leadership, communication, and social entrepreneurship. Developing a training program focused on planet conservation and biodiversity protection, aiming to equip them to launch socio-environmental projects from various disciplines and perspectives. In Antarctica, Spanish scientific bases will be visited, and a Citizen Science program and a series of lectures will be conducted onboard, making the polar ship a true Floating Classroom.

Influencing Society

Impacting society and raising awareness about virtues and values such as temperance, justice, strength, responsibility, integrity, and prudence by example. We will amplify our message through dissemination in social networks, media, information circles, and forums of all kinds. Our goal is to raise awareness among the maximum number of people about the importance of conserving our planet to safeguard our species and leave a prosperous world for future generations by deploying humanist virtues and values.

Connecting Talents

Bringing together the best university talent from different fields of knowledge, creating a dynamic that favors the development of new ways and approaches to tackle future challenges. Combining the experience of scientists, mentors, leaders, and experts with students, promoting multidisciplinary and intergenerational exchange, providing a unique space to stimulate creativity and develop interaction knowledge.

Motivating Action

Generating ideas, actions, and projects to be implemented after the expedition, of a social, business, and scientific nature. The journey is the starting point of an initiative that goes much further. The expedition members will be part of the Polar Club, a network that will continue the project, support members in launching their initiatives, and disseminate their message, growing with each new edition.